Click below to sign up to be a part of the largest Conclave ever.

Register for Conclave!

Conclave Memorabilia

Have you preordered your memorabilia for conclave yet? Make sure you order online before conclave to ensure they have the product in stock! Click the button down below to preorder your memorabilia.

Memorabilia Pre-Order

Food Drive at Conclave

As we approach Conclave, start stocking up on food for the food drive. The lodge with the most pounds per participant of food wins front row seats at the Saturday night show!

Give the gift of life at the 2019 Cardinal Conclave. When you register for conclave, check the blood drive box to be sent more information about time slots. The blood bus will be at Camp Durant throughout the day on Saturday. You must be 18 years old or older to donate without parent permission at Conclave. Arrowman who are 16 or 17 years old can still donate with a parent permission form in hand. Click the "Learn More" button below to find the permission form.

Learn More

Message From the Section Secretary

Hello Brothers,

I hope that everybody has had a great start to the New Year and is getting excited for Conclave. We are less than 45 days away from the largest OA events in the country this year and I could not be more excited!

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Although it may be smallest lodge in the section, Nayawin RaR Lodge is familiar with the struggles many other lodges throughout the section  experience with membership retention and activation. As a result, the lodge has found a couple of ways to improve the number of successful inductions into the OA

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Southern Region Section 7B

3231 Atlantic Avenue.
Raleigh, NC 27604

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