Although it may be smallest lodge in the section, Nayawin RaR Lodge is familiar with the struggles many other lodges throughout the section experience with membership retention and activation. As a result, the lodge has found a couple of ways to improve the number of successful inductions into the OA. In JTE, Induction is an important category that includes rewarding lodges that ensure a vast majority of elected scouts go through their Ordeal.
In order to make sure the elected scouts make it to their Ordeal, the lodge works hard to maintain a strong presence both at camp and beyond. After the callout ceremony, all elected scouts are given a token to symbolize the honor bestowed on them. In doing so, scouts are able to see a physical reminder of their invitation to join the OA and, through this small gift, be inspired to give back to scouting through their own gifts of cheerful service.
Another facet of 296’s membership strategy is to remain in constant contact with the elected scouts. The lodge sends personalized letters congratulating each scout on their election and reminding them of the importance of their Ordeal. Nayawin RaR also places an emphasis on drawing elected scouts in through word of mouth, inviting its members to speak with the elects. Through these two combined forms of communication, the Ordeal and its benefits are constantly reinforced in the young scout’s mind, all the while building their excitement for the adventures to come in the fall.