2020 AIA Chair
Hello! My name is Ryan Wagoner, and I have the pleasure of serving as the 2020 American Indian Affairs Chairman for SR-7B. I was inducted into Wahissa Lodge in 2014 and have been active ever since. I have served in several lodge level positions, including Lodge Chief. My background in American Indian Affairs includes Straight Dancing, Southern Singing, and a little bit of Ceremonies. I am currently studying Aerospace Engineering at North Carolina State University. During the summers, I work at Camp Raven Knob in the First Year Camper Area.
Throughout this year, I hope to better our youth arrowmen in all areas of AIA. Many Arrowmen from our section will be competing at NOAC this year, and by helping them prepare in the months leading up to the event, we can represent our section as best as possible. Another goal of mine is to continue building the fellowship between the lodges in our section. AIA serves as a great unifier between those involved, and by introducing new members to the program, we can grow this fellowship greatly.
Yours in Brotherhood,
Ryan Wagoner
SR7B AIA Chair