Cheerful Service with Nayawin RaR

Cheerful Service with Nayawin RaR Contributed by James Culpepper, Lodge 296 Secretary. Arrowmen from Nayawin Rar Lodge assisted with the Tuscarora Council 2021 Fall Cub Camporee weekends (Oct. 15-17 & 22-24) at Camp Tuscarora in Four Oaks. The theme was...

2022 SR-7B Vice Chief of Program

2022 SR-7B Vice Chief of Program My name is Andrew Otelsberg, and I am an Eagle Scout and Vigil Honor member of Klahican Lodge #331. Before my involvement with Section SR-7B, I served as a Chapter Chief and as Lodge Treasurer, staffed two summers of summer camp at...

October Ordeal with Croatan Lodge!

October Ordeal with Croatan Lodge! Croatan Lodge #117, SR-7B’s easternmost member, held their Fall Ordeal event on October 15-17th, at Camp Boddie in Blounts Creek, NC. Much preparation occurred during the event, not only for the progress of the camp but for...

2022 SR-7B ICE Chairman

2022 SR-7B ICE Chairman My name is Evan Nazareth and I currently serve as the Section SR-7B Inductions and Ceremonial Experiences (ICE) Chairman. I am an Eagle Scout, Sea Scouts Quartermaster Rank, Venturing Summit Rank, and Vigil Honor member of Occoneechee Lodge...