2022 SR-7B ICE Chairman
My name is Evan Nazareth and I currently serve as the Section SR-7B Inductions and Ceremonial Experiences (ICE) Chairman. I am an Eagle Scout, Sea Scouts Quartermaster Rank, Venturing Summit Rank, and Vigil Honor member of Occoneechee Lodge 104. In my Lodge I have served as a Chapter Chief and Ordeal Ceremonialist, and within Scouting I serve as the National Service Territory 15 Venturing President, and have received the Council Venturing Leadership and Area Venturing Leadership Awards. I am currently a senior at Green Hope High School in Cary, NC and run Cross Country and Track
I was inducted into the Order of the Arrow in the spring of 2018, and earned my Brotherhood in spring of 2019. ICE deals with the entire Inductions process from the unit election all the way to the brotherhood conversion, and I look forward to assisting our lodges with this process, and putting on an amazing ICE program at this year’s Conclave. If you have any questions about the Section 7B ICE Award or want to be a ceremony evaluator at Conclave please email ice@oae8.org.
Yours in Brotherhood,
Evan Nazareth
SR-7B Inductions and Ceremonial Experiences (ICE) Chairman